Curriculum Information

Curriculum Statement


Community: Our curriculum will reflect the fact that our students are at the heart of our school community. It will ensure that they will leave with the relevant skills, knowledge and abilities to enable them to succeed in our changing world. It will encompass far more than just the subjects formally taught in school, but will also include all other aspects of school life, including trips, visits, assemblies, social time and other events.


Inspiration: Our school will provide a wide range of subjects to our students that are age and ability appropriate and will build upon previous knowledge and skills. Our curriculum, which is more than just the subjects, will be delivered during lessons, but also outside of these times in other planned activities. Our Pastoral Support systems, alongside our academic programme, will provide opportunities that will inspire students to do well and to try their best. Extra-curricular activities will act as another layer that enables students to see beyond school life to show what can be achieved.


Success: We aim to ensure that every student who leaves at the end of Year 11 or 13 will enter further education, training, or employment. We will also endeavour to build the foundations for a successful life in the years to come so that our students can make a positive contribution to society in the future.

Information on the curriculum for each subject area can be found below. If you require further detail, please contact the relevant Head of Department.

Autumn term 2024 curriculum plans

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Spring Term 2025 curriculm plans

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Year 12 and 13 courses (Sixth Form) can be found on the Sixth Form pages of this website.