
The Governing Body

The Governing Body is the school’s accountable body. It is responsible for the conduct of the school and for promoting high standards. The governing body aims to ensure that children are attending a successful school which provides them with a good education and supports their well-being.

The Governing Body sets the strategic direction of the school by:

  • Setting the values, aims and objectives for the school

  • Agreeing the policy framework for achieving those aims and objectives

  • Setting statutory targets

  • Agreeing the school improvement strategy which includes approving the budget and agreeing the staffing structure.

The school governing body is made up of the following:

  • Parents (5)

  • Headteacher (1)

  • Staff (3)

  • Community Governors (7)

To view the list of our current governors, click here.

New Parent Governor Vacancy

We are looking to recruit two new parent governors to the Governing Body. Please see the attached nomination form and letter from the Chair of Governors for more information. If you require any further information please contact the Clerk to the Governing Body, Miss L Gatward on

Contact details

The Chair of Governors can be contacted via the school by emailing:

Key documents

Register of Interests

Meeting Attendance 2023/24