Special Educational Needs at Overton Grange School

At Overton Grange School we are committed to providing an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all students, whatever their needs or abilities. This includes the Opportunity Base for hearing impaired students who have an Education and Health Care Plan.

Not all students with disabilities have special educational needs (SEN) and not all students with SEN meet the definition of disability, but this policy covers all of these students.

Please click the links below for more information.

To prevent disabled students from being treated less favourably than other students, the school conforms with the Equality Act 2010. More details can be found within the SEND Information report above. The school’s accessibility plan can be found here, as an appendix to the Equal Opportunities policy. The plan sets out how the school is:

  • increasing the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the school’s curriculum

  • improving the physical environment of the school for the purpose of increasing the extent to which disabled pupils are able to take advantage of education and benefits, facilities or services provided or offered by the school

  • improving the delivery to disabled pupils of information which is readily accessible to pupils who are not disabled  

Autism, Identity & Me - book launched

Rebecca Duffus, Autism teacher at Cognus Ltd, has created an extensive guide for school staff and parents/carers to help young people shape their identity and contribute to positive self-esteem inside and outside the classroom. The guide, called ‘Autism, Identity & Me’ is accompanied by an easy-to-follow workbook for young people to give them the tools to feel empowered by their autistic identity and view their differences in a positive way.
Read more about the book.

Sutton Dyslexic Assocation

The Association provides support for dyslexics and their families. The continuous programme of meetings gives you the opportunity to meet and talk with others who are experiencing similar problems. Visit the website here for further details.

The next meeting of Sutton Dyslexia Association will be on Monday 6th November 2023 at 8pm. Neil Mackay will be talking on high impact revision skills to aid longterm recall and will be of interest  , we hope, to all high school pupils.If you would like to join the zoom meeting, please send your first name, surname and email address to


You will get an acknowledgement and the access details will be sent to you on the morning of the talk so that you can join the meeting from 7.45pm.

The next Parent / Carer Pop- 1n  will be on Wednesday 13th December, 10- 11.30 am at The Sound Lounge  at the bottom of Sutton High Street. There is free parking at Sainsburys and LiDl ( Both for 90 minutes) Members of the committee will be there.

From time to time, and funds permitting, the British Dyslexia Association is able to offer bursaries to assist with the cost of accessing diagnostic assessments.

Applications for bursaries for individuals 12 + from low- income families are now open for a limited period.Eligible candidates can benefit from up to 90% off the costs.


SEND COordInator details:

Mrs J Floyd-Williams (Assistant Headteacher - Designated SENDCo)
