Overton Grange House System

The Overton Grange House system consists of four Houses: Amber, Emerald, Ruby and Sapphire. Each House has a Head of House and a Year 12 House Captain, and the system is overseen by the House Coordinator. In Years 7 to 11, and in Sixth Form, there are two tutor groups in each House. On joining the school, students are given a House stripe for their blazer.

The House system is designed to offer all students the opportunity to participate in a wide range of extra-curricular activities and to earn points for their House. House points are awarded for participation as well as winners of events, as well as for attendance, use of GCSEPod and Unifrog, and Satchel:one rewards are also included. Each year, a variety of cups are awarded at the end of the year including Sports Day, Attendance, Charity and the prestigious House Cup.

Forthcoming events

Staff vs Sixth Form Volleyball: Tuesday 24th September 2024

Staff Bake Off: Monday 7th October 2024

*NEW* Pet Show: Monday 14th October 2024

Talent Show: Monday 18th November 2024

Food Bank Collection: November 2024 - further information to be provided

Christmas Jumper Day: Thursday 12th December 2024

Autumn Photography competition: deadline Friday 13th December 2024 - further information to be provided

Christmas card competition: deadline Friday 13th December 2024 - further information to be provided

Big Fat House Quiz: Tuesday 14th January 2025

Spelling Bee: Tuesday 28th January 2025

Rubik Cube competition: Tuesday 4th February 2025

Staff vs Sixth Form Badminton: Tuesday 25th February

Decorate Your Door Competition: deadline Thursday 6th March 2025 (World Book Day)

Pi Day: Friday 14th March 2025

Staff vs Sixth Form Table Tennis: Tuesday 29th April 2025

Spring Photography competition: deadline Friday 9h May 2025 - further information to be provided

Student Bake Off: Monday 19th May 2025

Staff vs Sixth Form Rounders: Tuesday 17th June 2025

*NEW* Design a HousePet Show: Thursday 3rd July 2025

Chess Tournament Final: Thursday 10th July 2025

Staff speed typing competition: deadline Thursday 11th July 2025

Staff ‘Assassin’: ‘dead’line Monday 14th July 2025

Details on all student competitions will be given via tutors and Satchel:One. In addition, there will be subject-based competitions throughout the year.

If you have an idea for a House event, please speak to your form tutor, House captain or Head of House.



Mrs C Buxton - House Coordinator

Mr S Page - Head of Amber House

Ms T Dean - Head of Emerald House

Miss L Carpenter - Head of Ruby House

Mr D Joseph - Head of Amber House