
Our Careers Team is made up by Ms Susan Oakley (Careers Advisor) and Mrs Clare Buxton (Careers Co-ordinator)

The team can be contacted on:


Our Careers Programme and Provider Access Policy can be found by clicking on the link below:

How we measure and assess the impact of the careers programme on our students

Overton Grange are affiliated with the Careers Development Institute (CDI) and supported by an external organisation, the South London Careers Hub

We use the Compass evaluation tool tracking and evaluating our careers activities against the eight benchmarks of best practice – known as the Gatsby Benchmarks. We audit our progress once every term.

Overton Grange audit deadlines

Thursday 25th September 2024

Thursday 27th November 2024

Thursday 13th March 2025

Thursday 9th July 2025

In line with the recommendations set out in Gatsby Benchmark 1, we as a school plan to review the published information on an annual basis, inviting feedback from key audiences.

We offer personalised thirty minute appointments with a Level 6 qualified careers advisor to all students in key stages 4 and 5. Additional intervention strategies are introduced for individual students based on need, for example students in risk groups (including those with special educational needs and those who are disengaged or at the risk of disengaging). The careers advisor is central to providing guidance to students on routes beyond school. All students are given the opportunity to request an additional appointment with the careers advisor. We have a drop in specialised library and highlight access to the National Careers service help and information line if we are not in.

Following all interviews students are given detailed feedback, with copies sent to the appropriate Head of Year and to parents/carers. At the end of the year students complete a satisfaction survey and destinations data is collated and submitted to the London Borough of Sutton careers hub partnership in a timely fashion. Feedback is used to create bespoke lessons.

In addition, feedback is encouraged weekly, following the whole school ‘Workday Wednesday’ programme. This is a careers focused form time activity based on a job of the week type format linked to the careers events calendar published by the Careers Enterprise Company .  Learning Walks with SLT ensure best practice is followed and that students are fully engaged with the programme.

Independent work experience is encouraged and the careers team regularly post opportunities on Satchel:One for all year groups. These range from sport and business to archaeology and construction. Participation is high and parents enjoy receiving these notices and comment on the variety of opportunities we offer.

There are calendared assemblies, talks, visits, citizenship lessons and focus days for each year group at different times of the year in line with options for moving on and transition to next steps. Tutor groups are surveyed and feedback welcomed at all times.

Careers Key Information

If you need help or advice over the school holidays or when the school is closed please contact:

National Careers Service - Careers Advice Number on 0800 100 900​

Open 8am – 8pm Monday – Friday

10am – 5pm Saturdays and Bank Holidays

Closed: Sundays Christmas Day and New Year’s Day

What are they doing now?

Now we are 25 years old, we asked those students who have left to let us know what they are doing now, and what the school had given them. It made interesting reading! Remember that these responses are from ex-students most of whom have not yet turned 30!

Click on the Link to find out what they are doing and what they said.


“The regular careers classes we had were very well made and planned out to be relevant and helpful to everyone in the year group. The range of speakers ensured everyone in the year group learnt something relevant to their future careers. From working with HSBC to being a prison guard, we were offered a wide variety of career options and help. Aside from speakers, Ms Oakley and Mrs Buxton always provided support relating to CVs or simply to go over how to ace an interview. This one-on-one help has personally benefitted me as now I have an outstanding CV that employers will be impressed by!The regular careers classes we had were very well made and planned out to be relevant and helpful to everyone in the year group. The range of speakers ensured everyone in the year group learnt something relevant to their future careers. From working with HSBC to being a prison guard, we were offered a wide variety of career options and help. Aside from speakers, Ms Oakley and Mrs Buxton always provided support relating to CVs or simply to go over how to ace an interview. This one-on-one help has personally benefitted me as now I have an outstanding CV that employers will be impressed by!”

PL, Student

Careers Fair 2025

Work experience success stories from providers about our students: