Year 8

After completing their first year at Overton Grange, students now have the opportunity to develop further in all aspects of the curriculum. Students can now use their knowledge and experience gained from year 7 and should be looking to strive further forward in all aspects of their education.

Students should be able to work extremely hard in and out of school without the added pressure of external examinations, allowing them to explore the dynamic, exciting and ever changing curriculum.

In addition to the academic achievement, there will be the chance to join in with the many extra-curricular activities available.

Students are encouraged to work hard, continually following the school expectations, making the most of their school experience in preparation for their lives in the years to follow.

We wish you every success in your journey through Year 8.

Key Dates

Please note that all dates can be subject to change. Students and Parents/Carers will be informed of changes if and when necessary

information evening

Thursday 17th October 2024: 5 to 6pm in the Main Hall

Parent evening

Thursday 26th June 2025: 4 to 7pm


Tutor/Grade report - week beginning 9th December 2024

Grade report - week beginning 23rd June 2025

internal exams

Assessment Fortnight - weeks beginning 12th and 19th May 2024


All homework is now set via the Show My Homework link (Please see below). You can view the homework set by using the filters after clicking on the Green “Homework Calendar” button.

In Year 8, English, Maths, Science, Languages and DT all receive one homework a week.

History and Geography set their homework in the week they have 2 lessons, while other subjects set one homework per fortnight. RE sets a project that goes across the Half Term.


Mr P Bowles - Head of Year

Mr S Page - Assistant Head of Year


AG - Mrs V Shankar & Mr O Hafeez

EG - Ms K Maclean & Ms K Convey

RG - Mr R Shastan

SG - Ms M Fernandez

AO - Mrs R Pankhania & Mr S Page

EO - Mr B Amoako

RO - Mr I Jones

SO - Miss S Ryo