Admissions information

Since opening in 1997, we have developed excellent links with the primary schools in Sutton and further afield. Pupils across Key Stage 2 often visit us to experience lessons in Science, Sport, Maths and the Creative Arts.

Our teachers also visit primary schools to teach Maths and Science.

Pupils from primary schools are invited into Overton Grange School regularly throughout the year to take part in a variety of activities, ranging from Drama and Art workshops to Science Club and taster sessions, where they experience hands-on lessons and build a familiarity with the school and its teachers.

The transition process is very important, and its aim is to make sure academic and pastoral arrangements are made in a way which ensures a seamless and successful move to ‘big school’.

In May of Year 6, all prospective students are invited into school with their parents to discuss the transition process, to make it as easy as possible. Our Head of Year 7 then visits our main ‘feeder’ primary schools to meet our new students and their teachers.

All new students come to us in July for an induction day where they meet their tutors and spend the day with their new tutor group and experience several lessons.

Towards the end of the summer holiday we hold a four-day Induction Activity Week which is both fun and educational.

“I was nervous starting secondary school; I wasn’t used to being in a big school. I didn’t know if I would fit in. I came to the Induction Activity Week and met lots of new friends from different primary schools.”
Year 7 student

For more information on our admission policy and admission arrangements for 2024/25 please see the links below and that of Sutton Local Authority.

Open Evening

This will be held on Thursday 26th September 2023 from 5.00pm - 8.00pm.

School Admission Policy

Admission arrangements for entry:

Overton Grange School is part of Sutton’s Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme. Applications for transfer to Secondary school must be made to the Local Authority via the online Application Form. More detail on the application process is available here. If you wish to apply for a place at Overton Grange School, you must name the school as one of your preferences on the application form.

Arrangements for the admission of disabled pupils

As per the admissions policy, disabled students are the second ranked factor in determining admission priorities. Please see the policy above for more information.

In-Year Admissions (Years 7-11)

In-year Admissions : Years 7 – 11

Overton Grange School is part of Sutton’s Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme for In-Year admissions. Applications for admission must be made to the Local Authority on an In‑Year Application Form. More detail on the in-year application process is available here. If you wish to apply for a place at Overton Grange School, you must name the school as one of your preferences on the application form.

Waiting Lists are maintained for each year group and reviewed regularly. These lists are based on the admissions criteria used for the original Year 7 entry for each cohort.

As a school we will start all In-Year transfers at the start of the next full school term, unless we consider there are exceptional circumstances.


In-Year or immediate entry appeals

Appeals resulting from In-Year admissions applications will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.

Transfer to Secondary School Year 7 appeals

On National Offers day, the Local Authority will inform parents / carers by email or letter confirming the name of the school that is being offered. Provided a valid application to join Overton Grange School has been unsuccessful, parents / carers have the right to appeal against this decision. These appeals will be heard with 40 school days.

School Admission Appeals Timetable
